
New horizons for life
The Mota-Engil Group started operating in the environmental sector in 1995 in Portugal through SUMA in the segment of urban waste collection and management, later leveraging synergies with EGF, a leading company in waste treatment and recovery, with cutting-edge european technology in this area and in energy production through biogas capture in landfills and from its energy recovery plant.
At an international level, Mota-Engil has increasingly expanded its business in this sector to markets such as Angola (Vista Waste), Mozambique (Eco Life), Cape Verde (Agir), Brazil (Suma Brasil), Oman (Eco Vision), and Côte d’Ivoire (Eco Eburnie and Clean Eburnie), with the goal of continuing to build on its business, thereby contributing towards a better world prepared for the next generations.

EGF operates in the treatment and recovery of waste through technologically advanced solutions, operating through 11 multi-municipal systems of treatment and recovery of municipal waste, ensuring the entire value chain of integrated waste management, in Portugal, and with strong potential of expansion into new markets.
Visite the EGF website

With SUMA, ensures the leadership in Portugal within the private market of municipal waste management, operating in Angola, Mozambique, Poland, Brazil and Mexico.
Visit the SUMA website