Social Responsibility

Among its values, the Mota-Engil Group has a profound solidary sentiment resulting from the legacy of its founder, recognized as a businessman of profound vision and philanthropist spirit, with a permanent concern for maintaining the cultural values and the corporate identity based on a participation of active and responsible citizenship in society.
Thus, and to continue the work developed by Mota-Engil employees throughout its history and honor the inspiring memory of Manuel António da Mota, in December 2009 the Manuel António da Mota Foundation was set up, with the Mota-Engil Group as sole sponsor, in order to preserve the spirit of its founders, legal entities from the Mota-Engil Corporate Universe and from the Mota family, thus contributing and in a decisive way to reinforce and consolidate its strategy of social responsibility.
The Social Responsibility Program of the Mota-Engil Group aims to give an organized expression to the Vision, Strategy, Commitment and Adherence of the Group to the principles of sustainable development.
Establishing as strategic goal and key axis of intervention the support to social, education, cultural and environmental development of the communities where it operates, the Mota-Engil Group strengthens the relations with its stakeholders within the framework of an active and participative corporate citizenship.
This methodological approach is crucial to give a more efficient answer to the problems through the articulation and combination of efforts in a complementary logic and strategically oriented to act in areas where the public or private sectors present greater difficulties of coverage.
Thereby, the Social Responsibility Program is structured through the adoption of a set of General Goals in which it is translated its implementation.
Creation of value based on the best international practices
- Create value from the perspective of the shareholder and society, in general.
- Preventative and prospective addressing of the risks arising from the economic, social and environmental impacts of the business, integrating them in the overall management model.
- Culture based on quality, rigor and customer-driven attitudes.
- Increased productivity and efficiency of processes, aimed at achieving high levels of operating performance in accordance with the best international and market practices.
Eco-efficiency and innovation
- To do more with less, reducing the consumption of resources and increasing the efficiency of their use
- Ongoing search for improvements in the environmental area which, at the same time, drive economic benefits.
- Strong encouragement of innovation as a critical factor in increasing competitiveness, stimulating growth, diversification and the creation of new opportunities.
Protection of the environment
- Minimise the environmental impact of the Group’s activities, including the environmental perspective in management processes and systems.
- Promote and participate in initiatives of awareness-raising and preservation of environmental values.
Corporate ethics
- Observance of ethical criteria in the promotion of the Group’s values, culture and management model
- Respect for people and their rights.
Dialogue with stakeholders
- Transparency and openness in relations with stakeholders.
- Regular and systematised communication with stakeholders, aimed at listening to and including their concerns
- Objective and credible reporting of the Group’s economic, social and environmental performance.
Human capital management
- Reflect the human dimension and respect for people in the strategy and policy of human resources management.
- Valorise employment and career progression, stimulating the acquisition of skills through continuous training and life-long learning. – Create encouraging and compensatory work conditions through remuneration and incentive policies which encourage excellence and merit.
- Ensure the highest standards of occupational health and safety.
- Adopt non-discriminatory recruitment and selection practices, and which promote equal opportunities.
- Actively support the transition from school to active life, by promoting qualifying training.
- Stimulate active aging, aimed at a balanced age structure of the human resources in the context of a responsible and socially sustainable labour policy.
Support to social development
- Support social, education, cultural and environmental initiatives promoted by the Group or in partnership with external entities.
- Contribute, through sponsorship, to the socioeconomic development of the communities in which it operates.